I listed one of my 'favourite books' as 'random ebooks in piratebay' in my friendster. Well, staying true to my 'favourite books' I found a copy of 'Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows' online and finished reading it a few days before release, XP (Sorry about reading it before its release Ms. Rowling, but you might be happy to find out that my sister had paid RM109 for your book already :) )
Knowing the ending and all, which I didn't reveal to anyone (except my sister who 'asked for it') I also went to a Harry Potter launch party
in Borders nearby my place in Angel.
Employess scurrying around in their robes and wizard hats
They brought an owl in for the party!!
It wasn't really crowded when we went in at 8.30pm, but the party was supposed to have lasted until 12.01am or something when the book is officially released. But didn't really stayed up until that sort of time just for a book; went home to get enough rest for the start of the Next sale at 4am. Now that's more worth it than queueing for the HP7 book!! (the last sentence is not a review of the HP7 book :