Saturday, March 10, 2007

How daft can someone get?

Apparently, very.

One of my stupidest things that I've ever done in London happened a few months ago. At that time, the most anticipated game in the UK that will be released was WoW : Burning Crusade, or the expansion to World of Warcraft.

And I wanted that game so bloody much! I wanted it so badly that I even preordered it from Amazon UK (important for later!!) for only £14.95, which is definitely much cheaper than the high street shops that were retailing for up to £29.95!! I even stayed up late on the night of the game's launch to see other people's comments about the game through the forums, and then I realised something very important...


Yup, I checked and I was right. WoW was released in 2 regions; the US version which is playable for US, Asian and Australasian countries, while the EU version was for EU countries. As my version is the US version, there was NO WAY I could play the expansion at all. How stupid was that...

To add salt to injury, the game arrived on the same date that it was launched, so I could only just stare at it while I can't even play the damn expansion. I ended up returning it to Amazon for a refund and had to call Sin Thean and/or Andrew in KL to get the CD key for me, as the game disc's torrents were already available from mininova. It was only a few days later that I got the CD key. I thought I had an advantage to level up quicker than my friends but at the end, when I loaded the expansion, Thean and Andrew were already lvl 63-ish....sob.

Garggh...the silly things that I do.

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