Thursday, September 13, 2007

Boredness + Lameness = Nonsense

I was talking to Jiajer online yesterday. Yes, during office hours. Now i want to join KPMG as well. XD

Anyways, I ffk him for a yumcha session on Thursday night cos I followed my parents to this residents association meeting that ended super late. The next day, he was bitching to me that only him and Andrew only went for nasi lemak ayam goreng and it felt like a date to him. Well, kudos to both of you, you guys make a wonderful couple XD

So he wanted a free meal and badminton to compensate for my ffk-ness. Of course I told him I am damn poor, but he said he din believe a word I said and reminded me of how much I will be earning when I work.

'Nola, not so much la. Government take some here, parents take some there, in the end end up with rm50 only la,' I told him. Of course, LSE grad wun believe me, so I broke down my expenses to him;

Government: Some Amount of money, dun ask me, I honestly dunno how much.
Parents: 30% of salary
Living Expenses: 20%? Maybe more
Personal Fund Manager: The rest of my salary that gives me only rm50

See?! I only got rm50 to spend!!! He should be buying me lunches and badminton instead!! XD

Okla, time to find 5 more full-time oddjobs to increase my spending money to rm70. Perhaps i should start a char kuey teow stall??

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