Sunday, September 16, 2007

I think I pulled something....

I think I pulled a muscle during badminton Now the part of my back near the joint is hurting like mad. Dammit, and I even threw a few smashes yesterday, I think I aggravated it :(

Btw, I can cross something from my procrastination list off. I've just finished watching 'In the Mood for Love' on crunchyroll.

I've always wanted to watch this show cos it looked nice (Maggie Cheung in a cheongsam, and Tony Leung with his ngan-san that can lum every girl, including my gf's, that is) and, thats it.

And the show's not bad at all!! I thought it was just a work from the noob of a director who doesn't use scripts for his movies, but it's actually very good and the editing between each flashback is well sequentiated too.

Well, at least the show's better than the Korean food I had for dinner yesterday night.

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